My Physical Therapist gave me clearance to try and run this weekend. The guidelines were:
1. stop if it hurts at all
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2. Make it a short run (preferably run/walk)
3. Pay attention to how it responds after
Well, this morning I was so thrilled for my first run in over a month! Last night I laid out my running gear and I was ready to do this.
But – once again the MD weather flipped me the bird. It is pouring outside ?
I was not going to be stopped from running today though.
So, I hit up the treadmill for 3 slow miles.
The good news: It didn’t hurt!!!
The bad news: It was hard. I feel like I lost a lot of fitness on my time off and it was a lot harder then I remember.
I am thrilled to build back up and get better. one of my main goals for this year is to get faster. because I need to come back slowly from my injury and I’ve lost stamina in my time off – that will be a very long road, but I’m thankful to be back on it.
When I got back I was HUNGRY. I had a handful of cereal and then did my hip exercises.
Then, it was real breakfast time. I made my first successful omelet! Normally, my omelets just end up being egg scrambles because I’m not useful with a spatula.
Inside I stuffed it with mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes and laughing Cow cheese. I also put some cheese on the top – which made me realize I mightbe eating too much cheese. This is a result of living with a cheese lover (Ben). I’m going to assess this later.
After a long shower and some unwinding I ate an apple and am practically ready for lunch. What have I been doing with my day? I still have a lot to do! I better be productive for a while so I can be lazy later ?
On post-running injury strategy:
Running forward: now that I can run again – it doesn’t imply I can run like I used to. I am going to start back very slowly and pay attention to my knee.
I need to continue to do the hip exercises and incorporate much more cross training into my plan. I think I am going to run 3 days a week for a month before I increase it to 4. But, I don’t think I’ll run much more than 4 days a week for a very long time.
With my next half marathon and full I plan to train 3 to 4 days a week and either spin or Swim or do Kickboxing for additional cardio. I also really have to incorporate much more stretching and yoga!
But – training for a race is a little far off. best now my runs will be 3 to 5 miles max. as I build back up.
I realize the significance of cross training and stretching much more than ever. and this layoff introduced me to kickboxing, which is my obsession best now! I love it and don’t want to stop ever!! in that respect, this time off of running has been a blessing in disguise.
What I’ve learned from NOT running:
– I haven’t gained any weight while not running. I still think losing a few pounds will help me run better and faster, but losing weight is about how much I eat NOT how much I run.
– I realize I love kickboxing and spinning can be fun too <3 – My hips are very tight and weak, so I really have to focus on this. – I need to rest and fuel my body better. – If I feel any type of injury coming on I will stop and not push through it. – Not running for six weeks isn’t the end of the world, it just sucks really really bad. – I miss running much more in pretty, cool weather; less in cold, windy weather. It killed me not to run in CA, but I didn’t mind dodging snowy sidewalks in MD. – I am happy to be a runner, it’s part of what defines me. I felt very left out and lonely by not running even though I don’t run with anyone. Question: have you ever been “benched” due to an injury or illness? Did you learn anything positive from that experience?? (I really wanted to name this post: “I’m Back Bitches!”, but chose against it reluctantly in the interest of SEO and readers who are upset by cussing. I want an extra point for today.) Küldje el nekem a munkafüzetet Megment A megosztás törődés! Ossza meg Csipog Csap Ossza megPosta Ossza meg Kiválasztja ezeket: Futó tervező napi és időjárással teljesen ingyenes nyomtatható Futó tervező napi és időjárással teljesen ingyenes nyomtatható Teljesen ingyenes futó tervező, nyomtatható időjárással. A hő vagy a hó edzése nehéz. Tervezze meg az okosabb és futtasson erõsebb ezzel a P -vel Futó folyóiratnaptár - 2020. július teljesen ingyenes nyomtatható Futó folyóiratnaptár - 2020. július teljesen ingyenes nyomtatható Az edzésnaptár futtatása. Teljesen ingyenes, nyomtatható futó Jourmal 2020 júliusra. Futási ütemterv -tervező az összes Leve futóinak Kész érzés és készen áll a versenyre Kész érzés és készen áll a versenyre A Numnber 1 dolog, amit emlékezni kell a félmaraton vagy a teljes maraton előtt. Last minute versenyképzési javaslat a Az új év futó céljainak legfelsõbb listája Az új év futó céljainak legfelsõbb listája A 2022. évi futó célok legfelsõbb listája. Újévi futtatási célok Munkakönyv Teljesen ingyenes útmutató a legjobb futó céljainak meghatározásához! Futtasson gyorsabban ebben a hónapban - 1. és 2. javaslat Futtasson gyorsabban ebben a hónapban - 1. és 2. javaslat Helló! Készen állsz arra, hogy gyorsabban futhasson ebben a hónapban? Megkapta a havi naptárt 10 javaslatával, hogy gyorsabban futjon? Ha nem - GE Fájdalom a futók lábának frissítésének tetején Fájdalom a futók lábának frissítésének tetején A lábfájdalom teteje a futóban. Frissítse a lábam sérülését és a találkozókat. Sürgős ellátás röntgen eredmények feszültségtörés ⚡ Shareaholic által -