Hello! I have the best GPS watch giveaway for you today. I’m super excited because: A.) I’ve been using this Tom Tom Cardio watch since November and love it. 2.) I don’t think I’ve ever given away a running watch on RER – that’s crazy considering I’ve given away everything else (including my dignity and …
Drown Your Sorrows
I had my first Physical therapy appointment today. and while this is a new experience for me and I was trying to stay positive, there was good news and bad News.My Physical Therapist asked me a bunch of questions and felt around my knee to see if there was any evident swelling, tearing, messed up …
Törött, mint egy vicc
Sietem, hogy ma reggel kiszálljak az ajtón, így még mindig a táskámba dobtam a laptopomat. Amikor kihúztam a táskából a következő helyemen, a meghajtó teljesen meghajolt! Megpróbáltam visszahajolni, de most egyáltalán nem olvassa !! Ennek van a projektem, és most nem működik, és a semmiből kell kezdenem. Ó, megemlítettem, hogy holnap esedékes. Fml. Gyakorlat: 30 …
Monica Does Connecticut
have you noticed exactly how I like composing suggestive titles? ‘Cause I do… My Saturday started with a 9 mile run. I altered my long run this week so we might get a early begin to CT. So, I ended up doing 9 miles yesterday as well as 9 miles today. It is totally NOT …
Ask a Monican should I stop Blogging?
hello as well as happy Thursday Jersday! yes Buddy. I am going to be at an expo all the time tomorrow so I wished to be as effective as possible today. I blogged, emailed as well as then cleaned. fuel for the journey – apple as well as path mix. Legújabb videóim Maratoni edzés 3. …
I Fell…Again
I always say that I fall about three times a year. I was very nervous I was going to fall at my wedding and fortunately I didn’t. But, I did fall today. Kemény. (This is the uneventful recap of my last fall while running.) I went on 3 mile run with my friend, Susan… MY …
Pénteki szórakozás
Tegnap nem volt ügyfelem, ezért a napomat sétálva töltöttem. Lementem a szemétben, így tudtam, hogy szükségem van joghurtiára, hogy kitöltsem ezt az üres lyukat a szívemben. Arra gondoltam, hogy a Skinny Runnerről és Marni-ról beszéltem, hogy csatlakozzon hozzám sétálni és Fro-Yo randevúkhoz. A legújabb videóim Unorthodox Book and Netflix Review A könyv és a Netflix …
Is Yogurtland risk-free To eat right Now?
Helló!! I went to Yogurtland this weekend as well as it’s totally different from exactly how it was before the pandemic. I’m sharing the experience as well as my thoughts on exactly how risk-free as well as clean this self-serve fro-yo circumstance felt. I believe this is my very first time getting YL in months! …
Esküszöm, hogy az aszály miatt!
Helló! Mi újság? Remélem, tetszett a tegnapi Stitchfix -áttekintésem. Tudom, hogy Vegas szereti, ha új Stitchfix kézbesítést kapok … Legújabb videóim American Dirt Book Review American Dirt Book Review További videók 0 másodperc 12 perc, 7 másodperc Következö Az Arany -retriever nem fogja elvenni a tablettáit! 02:19 Élő 00:00 08:21 12:07 Tegnap este elindultam a …
Just The tip Tuesday–Bragg liquid Aminos
How’s your Tuesday going? I don’t have to be into work until this afternoon so I’ve been working on blog stuff and writing all morning. Around 10am I had some nuts and a honey tangerine. The tangerine was really good, but had 2 seeds in each segment. I coulda done without that. Legújabb videóim Unorthodox …